Dr Andreas Rühmkorf is a Lecturer in Commercial Law at the University of Sheffield (UK). He completed his Law Degree at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, Germany, and obtained his PhD Degree in Law from the University of Sheffield in 2013. Andreas sat for his Second State Exam in law at North Rhine Westphalia, Germany and was qualified to practice as a German lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) in 2007.
Andreas teaches both at undergraduate (LLB) and postgraduate (LLM) level in, inter alia, the areas of corporate law, comparative corporate governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and E-Commerce law at the University of Sheffield. He has also been a visiting lecturer at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster since 2012.
Andreas is the author of the monograph Corporate Social Responsibility, Private Law and Global Supply Chains, published by Edward Elgar Publishing in 2015. His research primarily focuses on corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate law and corporate governance. Andreas has published several articles in his areas of interest. His most recent publications include G LeBaron & A Rühmkorf, ‘Steering CSR Through Home State Regulation: A Comparison of the Impact of the UK Bribery Act and Modern Slavery Act on Global Supply Chain Governance’ (2017) 8 (S3) Global Policy 15-28 and the chapter ‘Global sourcing through foreign subsidiaries and suppliers: Challenges for Corporate Social Responsibility’ in A de Jonge and R Tomasic (eds), Research Handbook on Transnational Corporations (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017). Andreas has also been a contributing editor of the loose-leaf commentary D McClean et al. (ed.), Shawcross and Beaumont on Air Law (LexisNexis), an international commentary on aviation law which is updated twice a year, since 2013.